Thursday, January 5, 2012

Everyday Eats: Protein Trail Mix Cookies

Found this on another bloggers website, it looks pretty tasty. I will try to make them tonight!
Everyday Eats: Protein Trail Mix Cookies

About Me


   My name is Emily, I am from Cleveland, OH. I have a passion for cooking and baking, but also with eating healthy and staying fit....So I have created this blog to share all of the ideas I have spent countless hours reading about and testing and modifying in my kitchen. This is not the only thing I do in life, I am also a Special Education teacher. With that said when I have breaks and summer vacations, this is what I do. Hopefully you will find my blog helpful and interesting. Mostly all of my recipes involve clean eating, since technically our bodies were not made to digest all of that processed gunk!

I have recently become obsessed with a website called pinterest (I know, so is everyone)!, which gives great ideas of what other people are doing. Since I spend a lot of my time researching fitness, modifying recipes for clean eating, and beauty tips...I thought....why not share my hard work and valuable time with others.... Enjoy and I am open to tips and suggestions!

A little about my past.... When I was younger, middle school age, I was overweight. My mom let me eat all the snacks I wanted and I knew little about being nutritious. As I began to grow taller I realized I had a nice figure, but I needed to know how to take care of it, so as I entered high school I joined a gym and just began to exercise regularly. This worked great, but my lack of knowledge on nutritional eating and building muscle was few and far between. Since my high school days of eating pretzels, string cheese, and lean cuisines, I have really blossomed. I feel that I truly understand how to be nutritious, while eating clean, and maintaining muscle, but still enjoying what I eat as well. I love to cook and share food and recipes!